From the Theory of the Habitus Towards a Psychological Sociology

Lahire’s critical depart from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of the habitus brings attention to some insufficiencies of the latter. Emphasis is put upon the fact that the concept of habitus need be adapted to everyday situations wherein actors made up of a multitude of—sometimes contradictory— habituses are called into action. Lahire also stresses that the transferability of a ‘core habitus’ to every situation the actor is brought to face is not to be taken for granted, in addition, he casts doubt on the presumption of an ‘authentic self’ that would exist independently from everyday situations that normally trigger individual’s habituses to react. For a more realistic perception of the multidimensionality of actors, Lahire proposes a new theoretical framework condensed into the term of ‘psychological sociology’.

Released: Replika 79, 45–66.
Ágoston Fáber