The Sociology of Individuals
The Sociology of Individuals
Approaches to Modernity in French Sociology
The sociology of individuals is an emerging field in contemporary French sociology. It concerns, on the one hand current social issues, especially late modernity and capitalism in contemporary French society. It is, on the other hand, the product of a distinct French tradition in theoretical sociology: Bernard Lahire, developer of the concept of the “plural actor”, the central tenet of sociology of individuals, built heavily on Bourdieu, especially on the notion of habitus. François Dubet`s sociology of experience concerns the plurality and heterogeneity of the logic of action. Dominique Memmi`s research, clearly influenced by Foucault, concerns the question how new forms of biopower is created by the state interventions into the regulation of the body. An interview with Danilo Martucelli, the sociologist who developed the concept of “singular society” closes and summarizes this special issue.