Moral Panics

Dávid Kitzinger

The aim of this selection is to introduce the theory of moral panics to Hungarian readers.  David Kitzinger’s study overviews the main contributions to the theory, and discusses current theoretical debates.  He argues that the most promising direction in current research is its combination with approaches to social movements.  The second article is from Stanley Cohen’s pioneering work, Folk Devils and Moral Panics (1972) on the attitudes towards the ‘60s youth cultures.  Cohen discusses the creation of mods and rockers through exaggerated public response to and distorted media presentation of the clash between mods and rockers in Clacton in 1964.  In Antipornography Campaings. Saving the Family in America and England, Cecil E. Greek and William Thompson elaborate on the role of Christian fundamentalism in moral panics over sexually explicit media production and “Playboy-lifestyle”.  The last article presents the values behind moral panics in a Hungarian context with the help of a collection of campaign texts from the Hungarian Association of Large Families.

Released: Replika 40, 23–95.
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