Remembering Ferenc Jánossy

Nikosz Fokasz

It has now become a somber regularity in Replika to publish thematic sections remembering recently deceased great historians and philosophers of science.  After devoting articles to the memory of Feyerabend, Popper, Lakatos, and Kuhn, the present collection of essays attempts to evoke the complex personality and brilliant mind of the prominent Hungarian economist, Ferenc Jánossy.  The first piece in the thematic section is a reprint of an interview that Medvetánc, the famous social science quarterly of the eighties, conducted with him and in which Professor Jánossy explains his theory on long-term economic and social trends.  In the second article, the philosopher Mihály Vajda recollects their friendship and shares the reader with amusing anecdotes.  The third article, written by the academician Tibor Vámos, is an analysis of Ferenc Jánossy’s contribution to systems theory and the mathematical modeling of economic processes.  

Released: Replika 28, 19–36.