Book review: Angela Nagle: Kill all normies: Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-righ
Book review: Angela Nagle: Kill all normies: Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-righ
Angela Nagle’s book Kill All Normies is one of the first comprehensive works on the new right-wing trends referred to as alt-right, their online spaces and practices. The book presents the (initially) virtual conflicts of the so-called culture war between 2008 and 2016, and highlights the defining logic of the subcultural milieu behind the phenomena. Although the volume contains questionable passages and remains indebted to an anti-capitalist interpretation of the broader context of the processes analyzed, its great merit is that it also addresses criticisms of Tumblr-liberalism which underpins the strengthening of the alt-right and it provides an isight to many into a field accessible to a few.