Scientometric Analysis of Replika on the Occasion of its 30th Birthday
Scientometric Analysis of Replika on the Occasion of its 30th Birthday
Even if we do not agree with the ongoing marketization and quantitative measurement of research performance, we cannot ignore scientometrics when evaluating scholarly journals. In the present paper, I off er a brief scientometric analysis of Replika on the occasion of its 30th birthday, and present the results in a critical and interpretative framework. Th e analysis shows that we should interpret scientometric data in the narrower and broader context of the research subject, since no quantitative measurements can be meaningfully interpreted in a hypothetical social vacuum. The results of the analysis show that Replika ranks high in the league of the leading Hungarian social science journals in terms of all the calculated scientometric indicators, and it performs particularly well in terms of the number of citations per article and the share of cited articles.