Marriage the Neoliberal Way
Marriage the Neoliberal Way
A Reply to Ágoston Fáber
In my reply, I evaluate Fáber’s paper by comparing (critical) psychological theories and practices. The paper, by analyzing the neoliberal social context shaping relationships, is worth considering and provides us some valuable insights regarding the roles psychological discourses play in these processes. However, I would like to complement and to argue with Fáber’s statements in three points: (1) He describes the autotelic relationship as a pervasive relational model in late modernity. This model seems to be overgeneralized, hence unable to explain the variability stemming from the social position and the changes in relationships over time. (2) I complement the nature of emotions and psychology’s relationship-management methods. (3) I find the definition of intimacy, its relationship to inequality, and the role of psychological discourse in masking inequality incomplete.