Mazes and Dead Ends of Leftism
Mazes and Dead Ends of Leftism
In my essay I would like to reveal - as a leftist thinker – the problems, contradictions, “genetic deficits” of leftist reasoning (and mentality). I see the cause of retreat and perish of the traditional left partly in these deficits. Moreover, due to these problems the different leftist groups can’t cooperate, the leftist trends can’t be synthetized and that is why the leftist renaissance failed – despite of all expectations. With other words: I am investigating the general “big questions” of the left, and in the light of these I try to unveil the implications of the failures of leftist endeavors – revolutions and reforms - in the last two centuries. Although many leftists became liberal or conservative because of these experiences, for me neither accepting capitalism, nor rightist anti-capitalism is an option.