Some Hope

A Review of Mihály Vajda's Forgotten Book

This article is a part of a book to be published. It analyzes Mihály Vajda’s (a prominent representative of the so-called Budapester School, organized by the students of György Lukács) essays written in the early 70s. The writings of the volume Changing Evidence rely on the abstract-philosophical critique of capitalism and seek answer for the question how capitalism could be transcended. The theoretical tension of the book derives from the fact that while Vajda believes with “religious conviction” in the possibility of a new, more human world, rejecting all kinds of compromises, he refutes the most significant conceptions of transcending capitalism. The author decided on publishing this article as a separate piece because he conceives of the basic conflict of the more than thirty-year old book astonishingly resembles to the contemporary experience of those Eastern European intellectuals who got disappointed in the processes of transition.

Released: Replika 66, 141–159.
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