The Hermeneutics of the Natural Sciences

Tibor Schwendtner

The essays in the selection serve as an introduction to the hermeneutics of the natural sciences.  Olga Kiss reviews the recent scholarship with special attention to the works of Joseph J. Kockelmans, Patrick Heelan, Theodore Kisiel, Don Ihde and Robert Crease.  In his essay, László Ropolyi discusses various theoretical approaches and compares the hermeneutic approach of the natural sciences to social constructivism in detail.  Tibor Schwendtner elaborates on the idea that Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy of science contains hidden hermeneutic presuppositions, namely, that scientific research is historical and finite, and thus is a way of Being-in-the-world.  Finally, László Székely provides case studies to demonstrate the relationship between the hermeneutics and the history of science. 

Released: Replika 41–42, 105–161.